

late night anxiety

So here i am, with a bowl full of cold strawberry dipped in nutella, trying to cope up my late night anxiety. I am anxious. Insecure.
Pretty much.

The thing that kept me sane at school; they took it away from me.
The thing that i want the most; is something that obviously not gonna happen.
The thing that made me see; they thought it's unsafe.
The thing that made you feel like a grown-up; they told you 'it doesn't look right on you'
The act you put to cope up with those of above; they'll screamed at you and loudly said 'kelewatan kamu!'

I just need to talk. To explain, actually i don't really have the ability to. I just need someone to talk to, babbling with no intentions or direction, or someone that doesn't really care about things i dont care about, someone i could share without the awkwardness and the innuendos. someone that i could spent the moment of silence without trying to make a lively conversation.

Then there's this light at the end of the tunnel.

Until then, all i need is some space
and silence.

Heck. like i know what I'm talkin about, just get me back to sleep.

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